six more etsy shops to love...

Here are six more Etsy shops to fall in love with. I think the one I'm most excited about is number 4. These coats look lovely and they're very reasonably priced. Unlike the metal stag head. Not to say it's overpriced--you can't put a price on art--but $6500 is just a smidge out of my price range. 
1. Dolan Geiman 2. Foxberry Hill 3. Leanimal 4. Luckystore829 5. Marry G Knit & Crochet 6. Old Box
It's still pretty cool though . . . and it's always fun to look! 

Peace & love, 


  1. I love discovering new Etsy shops! The ones you picked look great!

    Gina Michele

  2. Gina,

    I'm glad you enjoyed the post! Thanks for reading :)

